Lübeck is represented on the DFG review boards by these five researchers.
Curiosity, innovative spirit and thirst for knowledge: funding decisions according to scientific standards
The German Research Foundation's (DFG) review board selection process for 2023 is over. From October 23 to November 20, around 150,000 eligible researchers could vote online to fill 649 places on 49 review boards for the term of office from 2024 to 2028.
Prof.es Dr.es Christine Klein, Inke König, Jonas Obleser, Jan Rupp, and Malte Spielmann were elected from Lübeck:
Prof. Dr. Christine Klein, Director of the Institute of Neurogenetics, for the subject of Molecular and Cellular Neurology and Neuropathology to the Review Board of Neurosciences.
Prof. Dr. Inke König, Director of the Institute of Medical Biometry and Statistics, for the subject of Epidemiology and Medical Biometry/Statistics to the Review Board for Medicine.
Prof. Dr. Jonas Obleser, Director of the Institute of Psychology 1, for the subject Cognitive and Systemic Human Neurosciences to the Review Board for Neurosciences.
Prof. Dr. Jan Rupp, Director of the Clinic for Infectiology and Microbiology, for the subject of Clinical Infectiology and Tropical Medicine to the Review Board for Medicine.
Prof. Dr. Malte Spielmann, Director of the Institute of Human Genetics, for the subject of Human Genetics, also to the Review Board for Medicine.
Principle of scientific self-governance
Following the announcement of the provisional results, DFG President Professor Dr. Katja Becker thanked all the researchers who had used their right to vote. “No other body illustrates the principle of scientific self-governance that the DFG stands for as well as the review boards,” she said.
In the review board election, the decision regarding which individuals represent the subjects on the review boards lies with the scientific community. “The members of the review boards ensure that the DFG's funding decisions are made according to scientific standards and in the spirit of curiosity, innovation, and a thirst for knowledge,” said the DFG President. “At the same time, the voluntary commitment of the review board members is indispensable for the DFG as a funding institution.”
54,068 researchers participated in the election and distributed their up to six votes electronically among 1631 candidates. One result of the election is the further increase in the proportion of women: the percentage of elected review board members is 37.9.
The complete preliminary results of the review board election 2023 and all information on the review boards of the German Research Foundation: https://www.dfg.de/dfg_profil/gremien/fachkollegien/index.html
Source: https://www.uni-luebeck.de/index.php?id=1334&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=7303&cHash=fc2535d1f0a1cb25fad07e43bbe00703